Guidance For Safe Intrusive Activities On Contaminated Or Potentially Contaminated Land - Free for BDA Members


This revised edition builds on the 2008 BDA publication that introduced a site classification system (green, yellow, red). Both the original and updated guides have been endorsed by the Site Investigation Steering Group and are integral to nationally adopted specifications.

Titled “Safe Intrusive Activities on Land Potentially Impacted by Contamination” this publication delivers essential health, safety, and environmental information, along with best practice recommendations for professionals involved in intrusive activities on land that may be impacted by contamination. It covers a range of activities, including ground investigations, piling, land drilling, earthworks, and ground remediation.

The goal of this publication is to enhance safe working practices and raise awareness about health, safety, and environmental issues. It specifically addresses the unique hazards of working on land potentially affected by contamination. This necessitates the use of specialist geoenvironmental services, well-trained and experienced personnel, suitable equipment, and rigorous supervision and response protocols.

The guide is structured for sequential reading and reflects recent updates in health, safety, and environmental laws, as well as advancements in working practices, equipment, methods, and the importance of continuous risk assessment.

This publication is essential for all professionals in this field, including those involved in specification, procurement, execution, or supervision of related activities.


  • Members: Free (log in required for membership discount)
  • Non-Members: £25.00

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